Home > Windows にまつわる e.t.c.> TCP/IPポート番号一覧
ポート番号 |
tcp/udp |
サービス |
説明 |
7933 |
tcp/udp |
t2-brm |
Tier 2 Business Rules Manager |
7932 |
tcp/udp |
t2-drm |
Tier 2 Data Resource Manager |
1437 |
tcp/udp |
tabula |
Tabula |
49 |
tcp/udp |
tacacs |
Login Host Protocol (TACACS) |
65 |
tcp/udp |
tacacs-ds |
TACACS-Database Service |
98 |
tcp/udp |
tacnews |
TAC News |
2392 |
tcp/udp |
tacticalauth |
Tactical Auth |
4014 |
tcp/udp |
taiclock |
1475 |
tcp/udp |
taligent-lm |
Taligent License Manager |
517 |
tcp/udp |
talk |
like tenex link, but across |
6149 |
tcp/udp |
tal-pod |
tal-pod |
2306 |
tcp/udp |
tappi-boxnet |
TAPPI BoxNet |
3144 |
tcp/udp |
tarantella |
Tarantella |
2402 |
tcp/udp |
taskmaster2000 |
TaskMaster 2000 Server |
2403 |
tcp/udp |
taskmaster2000 |
TaskMaster 2000 Web |
1610 |
tcp/udp |
taurus-wh |
taurus-wh |
1999 |
tcp/udp |
tcp-id-port |
cisco identification port |
1 |
tcp/udp |
tcpmux |
TCP Port Service Multiplexer |
475 |
tcp/udp |
tcpnethaspsrv |
tcpnethaspsrv |
2910 |
tcp/udp |
tdaccess |
TDAccess |
1814 |
tcp/udp |
tdp-suite |
TDP Suite |
1862 |
tcp/udp |
techra-server |
techra-server |
559 |
tcp/udp |
teedtap |
1946 |
tcp/udp |
tekpls |
tekpls |
1474 |
tcp/udp |
telefinder |
Telefinder |
5011 |
tcp/udp |
telelpathattack |
TelepathAttack |
5010 |
tcp/udp |
telelpathstart |
TelepathStart |
1380 |
tcp/udp |
telesis-licman |
Telesis Network License Manager |
1728 |
tcp/udp |
telindus |
754 |
tcp/udp |
tell |
send |
23 |
tcp/udp |
telnet |
Telnet |
992 |
tcp/udp |
telnets |
telnet protocol over TLS/SSL |
7491 |
tcp/udp |
telops-lmd |
telops-lmd |
526 |
tcp/udp |
tempo |
newdate |
359 |
tcp/udp |
tenebris_nts |
Tenebris Network Trace Service |
4000 |
tcp/udp |
terabase |
Terabase |
2008 |
udp |
terminaldb |
2018 |
tcp |
terminaldb |
69 |
tcp/udp |
tftp |
Trivial File Transfer |
1758 |
tcp/udp |
tftp-mcast |
tftp-mcast |
2296 |
tcp/udp |
theta-lm |
Theta License Manager (Rainbow) |
492 |
tcp/udp |
ticf-1 |
Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
493 |
tcp/udp |
ticf-2 |
Transport Independent Convergence for FNA |
407 |
tcp/udp |
timbuktu |
Timbuktu |
1417 |
tcp/udp |
timbuktu-srv1 |
Timbuktu Service 1 Port |
1418 |
tcp/udp |
timbuktu-srv2 |
Timbuktu Service 2 Port |
1419 |
tcp/udp |
timbuktu-srv3 |
Timbuktu Service 3 Port |
1420 |
tcp/udp |
timbuktu-srv4 |
Timbuktu Service 4 Port |
37 |
tcp/udp |
time |
Time |
525 |
tcp/udp |
timed |
timeserver |
1362 |
tcp/udp |
timeflies |
TimeFlies |
3372 |
tcp/udp |
tip2 |
TIP 2 |
2915 |
tcp/udp |
tksocket |
TK Socket |
1527 |
tcp/udp |
tlisrv |
oracle |
5311 |
tcp/udp |
tmlogin |
TM Login |
377 |
tcp/udp |
tnETOS |
NEC Corporation |
3309 |
tcp |
tns-adv |
3309 |
udp |
tns-adv |
590 |
tcp/udp |
tns-cml |
3308 |
tcp/udp |
tns-server |
TNS Server |
476 |
tcp/udp |
tn-tl-fd1 |
tn-tl-fd1 |
1584 |
tcp/udp |
tn-tl-fd2 |
tn-tl-fd2 |
1580 |
tcp |
tn-tl-r1 |
tn-tl-r1 |
1580 |
udp |
tn-tl-r2 |
tn-tl-r2 |
474 |
tcp |
tn-tl-w1 |
tn-tl-w1 |
474 |
udp |
tn-tl-w2 |
tn-tl-w2 |
1430 |
tcp/udp |
tpdu |
Hypercom TPDU |
594 |
tcp/udp |
tpip |
1906 |
tcp/udp |
tpmd |
TPortMapperReq |
2700 |
tcp/udp |
tqdata |
tqdata |
33434 |
tcp/udp |
traceroute |
traceroute use |
2642 |
tcp/udp |
tragic |
Tragic |
1753 |
tcp/udp |
translogic-lm |
Translogic License Manager |
3298 |
tcp/udp |
transview |
Transview |
2644 |
tcp/udp |
travsoft-ipx-t |
Travsoft IPX Tunnel |
2405 |
tcp/udp |
trc-netpoll |
TRC Netpoll |
1588 |
tcp/udp |
triquest-lm |
triquest-lm |
3346 |
tcp/udp |
trnsprntproxy |
Trnsprnt Proxy |
2014 |
tcp |
troff |
1987 |
tcp/udp |
tr-rsrb-p1 |
cisco RSRB Priority 1 port |
1988 |
tcp/udp |
tr-rsrb-p2 |
cisco RSRB Priority 2 port |
1989 |
udp |
tr-rsrb-p3 |
cisco RSRB Priority 3 port |
1996 |
tcp/udp |
tr-rsrb-port |
cisco Remote SRB port |
3011 |
tcp/udp |
trusted-web |
Trusted Web |
12753 |
tcp/udp |
tsaf |
tsaf port |
2330 |
tcp/udp |
tscchat |
450 |
tcp/udp |
tserver |
TServer |
1568 |
tcp/udp |
tsspmap |
tsspmap |
2012 |
tcp |
ttyinfo |
27999 |
tcp |
tw-auth-key |
TW Authentication/Key Distribution and |
27999 |
udp |
tw-auth-key |
Attribute Certificate Services |
3012 |
tcp/udp |
twsdss |
Trusted Web Client |
145 |
tcp/udp |
uaac |
UAAC Protocol |
1470 |
tcp/udp |
uaiact |
Universal Analytics |
219 |
tcp/udp |
uarps |
Unisys ARPs |
1624 |
tcp/udp |
udp-sr-port |
udp-sr-port |
1382 |
tcp/udp |
udt_os |
3900 |
tcp/udp |
udt_os |
Unidata UDT OS |
390 |
tcp/udp |
uis |
372 |
tcp/udp |
ulistproc |
ListProcessor |
522 |
tcp/udp |
ulp |
483 |
tcp/udp |
ulpnet |
ulpnet |
1737 |
tcp/udp |
ultimad |
ultimad |
8765 |
tcp/udp |
ultraseek-http |
Ultraseek HTTP |
144 |
tcp/udp |
uma |
Universal Management Architecture |
1797 |
tcp/udp |
uma |
2655 |
tcp/udp |
unglue |
UNIX Nt Glue |
4343 |
tcp/udp |
unicall |
388 |
tcp/udp |
unidata-ldm |
Unidata LDM Version 4 |
181 |
tcp/udp |
unify |
Unify |
2357 |
tcp/udp |
unihub-server |
UniHub Server |
1823 |
tcp/udp |
unisys-lm |
Unisys Natural Language License Manager |
126 |
tcp/udp |
unitary |
Unisys Unitary Login |
2221 |
tcp/udp |
unreg-ab1 |
Allen-Bradley unregistered port |
2222 |
tcp/udp |
unreg-ab2 |
Allen-Bradley unregistered port |
3314 |
tcp/udp |
uohost |
Unify Object Host |
3313 |
tcp/udp |
uorb |
Unify Object Broker |
4445 |
tcp/udp |
upnotifyp |
3356 |
tcp/udp |
upnotifyps |
401 |
tcp/udp |
ups |
Uninterruptible Power Supply |
2648 |
tcp/udp |
upsnotifyprot |
Upsnotifyprot |
7010 |
tcp/udp |
ups-onlinet |
onlinet uninterruptable power supplies |
606 |
tcp/udp |
urm |
Cray Unified Resource Manager |
4501 |
tcp/udp |
urn-x-cdchoice |
urn-x-cdchoice |
3272 |
tcp/udp |
user-manager |
Fujitsu User Manager |
1370 |
tcp/udp |
us-gv |
Unix Shell to GlobalView |
1506 |
tcp/udp |
utcd |
Universal Time daemon (utcd) |
519 |
tcp/udp |
utime |
unixtime |
431 |
tcp/udp |
utmpcd |
430 |
tcp/udp |
utmpsd |
2529 |
tcp/udp |
utsftp |
540 |
tcp/udp |
uucp |
uucpd |
117 |
tcp/udp |
uucp-path |
UUCP Path Service |
541 |
tcp/udp |
uucp-rlogin |
uucp-rlogin |
671 |
tcp/udp |
vacdsm-app |
670 |
tcp/udp |
vacdsm-sws |
1457 |
tcp/udp |
valisys-lm |
Valisys License Manager |
3456 |
tcp/udp |
vat |
VAT default data |
3457 |
tcp/udp |
vat-control |
VAT default control |
1771 |
tcp/udp |
vaultbase |
vaultbase |
8001 |
tcp/udp |
vcom-tunnel |
VCOM Tunnel |
1707 |
tcp/udp |
vdmplay |
vdmplay |
575 |
tcp/udp |
vemmi |
3270 |
tcp/udp |
verismart |
Verismart |
78 |
tcp/udp |
vettcp |
vettcp |
769 |
tcp/udp |
vid |
1398 |
tcp/udp |
video-activmail |
Video Active Mail |
516 |
tcp/udp |
videotex |
videotex |
4344 |
tcp/udp |
vinainstall |
VinaInstall |
7121 |
tcp/udp |
virprot-lm |
Virtual Prototypes License Manager |
1533 |
tcp/udp |
virtual-places |
Virtual Places Software |
6673 |
tcp/udp |
vision_elmd |
vision_elmd |
6672 |
tcp/udp |
vision_server |
vision_server |
1545 |
tcp/udp |
vistium-share |
vistium-share |
1500 |
tcp/udp |
vlsi-lm |
VLSI License Manager |
175 |
tcp/udp |
vmnet |
3141 |
tcp/udp |
vmodem |
214 |
tcp/udp |
vmpwscs |
577 |
tcp/udp |
vnas |
vnas |
3321 |
tcp/udp |
vnsstr |
1796 |
tcp/udp |
vocaltec-admin |
Vocaltec Server Administration |
6670 |
tcp/udp |
vocaltec-gold |
Vocaltec Global Online Directory |
25793 |
tcp/udp |
vocaltec-hos |
Vocaltec Address Server |
22555 |
udp |
vocaltec-phone |
Vocaltec Internet Phone |
22555 |
tcp |
vocaltec-wconf |
Vocaltec Web Conference |
8473 |
tcp |
vp2p |
Vitual Point to Point |
8473 |
udp |
vp2p |
itual Point to Point |
1517 |
tcp/udp |
vpac |
Virtual Places Audio control |
1516 |
tcp/udp |
vpad |
Virtual Places Audio data |
1345 |
tcp/udp |
vpjp |
672 |
tcp/udp |
vpps-qua |
676 |
tcp/udp |
vpps-via |
VPPS Via |
2649 |
tcp/udp |
vpsipport |
1519 |
tcp/udp |
vpvc |
Virtual Places Video control |
1518 |
tcp/udp |
vpvd |
Virtual Places Video data |
1589 |
tcp/udp |
vqp |
2530 |
tcp/udp |
vrcommerce |
VR Commerce |
4200-4299 |
tcp/udp |
vrml-multi-use |
VRML Multi User Systems |
2410 |
tcp/udp |
vrts-registry |
VRTS Registry |
3317 |
tcp/udp |
vsaiport |
996 |
tcp/udp |
vsinet |
vsinet |
312 |
tcp/udp |
vslmp |
3375 |
tcp/udp |
vsnm-agent |
VSNM Agent |
3280 |
tcp/udp |
vs-server |
VS Server |
3563 |
tcp/udp |
watcomdebug |
Watcom Debug |
6143 |
tcp/udp |
watershed-lm |
Watershed License Manager |
1559 |
tcp/udp |
web2host |
web2host |
1739 |
tcp/udp |
webaccess |
webaccess |
21845 |
tcp/udp |
webphone |
webphone |
9090 |
tcp/udp |
websm |
WebSM |
765 |
tcp/udp |
webster |
3342 |
tcp/udp |
webtie |
WebTIE |
3359 |
tcp/udp |
wg-netforce |
WG NetForce |
513 |
udp |
who |
maintains data bases showing who's |
565 |
tcp/udp |
whoami |
whoami |
63 |
tcp/udp |
whois++ |
whois++ |
2009 |
udp |
whosockami |
2019 |
tcp |
whosockami |
1565 |
tcp/udp |
winddlb |
WinDD |
1727 |
tcp/udp |
winddx |
winddx |
1785 |
tcp/udp |
windlm |
Wind River Systems License Manager |
7395 |
tcp/udp |
winqedit |
winqedit |
1512 |
tcp/udp |
wins |
Microsoft's Windows Internet Name Service |
2001 |
udp |
wizard |
curry |
22273 |
tcp/udp |
wnn6 |
wnn6 |
26208 |
tcp/udp |
wnn6-ds |
wnn6-ds |
3466 |
tcp/udp |
workflow |
400 |
tcp/udp |
work-sol |
Workstation Solutions |
1462 |
tcp/udp |
world-lm |
World License Manager |
776 |
tcp/udp |
wpages |
780 |
tcp/udp |
wpgs |
2340 |
tcp/udp |
wrs_registry |
WRS Registry |
3378 |
tcp/udp |
wsicopy |
2396 |
tcp/udp |
wusage |
Wusage |
5413 |
tcp/udp |
wwiotalk |
80 |
udp |
www |
World Wide Web HTTP |
2784 |
tcp/udp |
www-dev |
world wide web - development |
80 |
tcp/udp |
www-http |
World Wide Web HTTP |
1760 |
tcp/udp |
www-ldap-gw |
www-ldap-gw |
6000-6063 |
tcp/udp |
x11 |
X Window System |
1998 |
tcp/udp |
x25-svc-port |
cisco X.25 service (XOT) |
5757 |
tcp/udp |
x500ms |
OpenMail X.500 Directory Server |
911 |
tcp/udp |
xact-backup |
xact-backup |
177 |
tcp/udp |
xdmcp |
X Display Manager Control Protocol |
6558 |
tcp/udp |
xdsxdm |
82 |
tcp/udp |
xfer |
XFER Utility |
2327 |
tcp/udp |
xingcsm |
xingcsm |
1558 |
tcp/udp |
xingmpeg |
xingmpeg |
2021 |
udp |
xinuexpansion1 |
2022 |
udp |
xinuexpansion2 |
2023 |
tcp/udp |
xinuexpansion3 |
2024 |
tcp/udp |
xinuexpansion4 |
2020 |
tcp/udp |
xinupageserver |
2341 |
tcp/udp |
xiostatus |
XIO Status |
7430 |
tcp/udp |
xmpv7 |
OpenView DM xmpv7 api pipe |
2279 |
tcp/udp |
xmquery |
xmquery |
1716 |
tcp/udp |
xmsg |
xmsg |
1652 |
tcp/udp |
xnmp |
xnmp |
56 |
tcp/udp |
xns-auth |
XNS Authentication |
54 |
tcp/udp |
xns-ch |
XNS Clearinghouse |
165 |
tcp/udp |
xns-courier |
Xerox |
58 |
tcp/udp |
xns-mail |
XNS Mail |
52 |
tcp/udp |
xns-time |
XNS Time Protocol |
2025 |
udp |
xribs |
1619 |
tcp/udp |
xs-openstorage |
xs-openstorage |
508 |
tcp/udp |
xvttp |
xvttp |
173 |
tcp/udp |
xyplex-mux |
Xyplex |
258 |
tcp/udp |
yak-chat |
Yak Winsock Personal Chat |
210 |
tcp/udp |
z39.50 |
ANSI Z39.50 |
317 |
tcp/udp |
zannet |
Zannet |
5020 |
tcp/udp |
zenginkyo-1 |
zenginkyo-1 |
5021 |
tcp/udp |
zenginkyo-2 |
zenginkyo-2 |
2103 |
tcp/udp |
zephyr-clt |
Zephyr serv-hm connection |
2104 |
tcp/udp |
zephyr-hm |
Zephyr hostmanager |
2102 |
tcp/udp |
zephyr-srv |
Zephyr server |
1425 |
tcp/udp |
zion-lm |
Zion Software License Manager |
346 |
tcp/udp |
zserv |
Zebra server |
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