Home > Windows にまつわる e.t.c.> TCP/IPポート番号一覧
ポート番号 |
tcp/udp |
サービス |
説明 |
1595 |
tcp/udp |
radio |
radio |
1596 |
udp |
radio-bc |
radio-bc |
1596 |
tcp |
radio-sm |
radio-sm |
1812 |
tcp/udp |
radius |
1813 |
tcp/udp |
radius-acct |
RADIUS Accounting |
2012 |
udp |
raid-ac |
2007 |
udp |
raid-am |
2013 |
tcp |
raid-am |
2006 |
udp |
raid-cc |
raid |
2011 |
tcp |
raid-cc |
raid |
2013 |
udp |
raid-cd |
2015 |
udp |
raid-cs |
2014 |
udp |
raid-sf |
38 |
tcp/udp |
rap |
Route Access Protocol |
256 |
tcp/udp |
rap |
1531 |
tcp/udp |
rap-listen |
rap-listen |
1530 |
tcp/udp |
rap-service |
rap-service |
2332 |
tcp/udp |
rcc-host |
RCC Host |
469 |
tcp/udp |
rcp |
Radio Control Protocol |
1571 |
tcp/udp |
rdb-dbs-disp |
Oracle Remote Data Base |
3142 |
tcp/udp |
rdc-wh-eos |
2321 |
tcp |
rdlap |
RDLAP over UDP |
2321 |
udp |
rdlap |
1540 |
tcp/udp |
rds |
rds |
1541 |
tcp/udp |
rds2 |
rds2 |
2998 |
tcp/udp |
realsecure |
Real Secure |
2240 |
tcp/udp |
recipe |
2349 |
tcp |
redstorm_diag |
Diagnostics Port |
2349 |
udp |
redstorm_diag |
Disgnostics Port |
2347 |
tcp/udp |
redstorm_find |
Game Announcement and Location |
2348 |
tcp/udp |
redstorm_info |
Information to query for game status |
2346 |
tcp/udp |
redstorm_join |
Game Connection Port |
3001 |
tcp/udp |
redwood-broker |
Redwood Broker |
1712 |
tcp/udp |
registrar |
resource monitoring service |
1353 |
tcp/udp |
relief |
Relief Consulting |
2018 |
udp |
rellpack |
50 |
tcp/udp |
re-mail-ck |
Remote Mail Checking Protocol |
556 |
tcp/udp |
remotefs |
rfs server |
185 |
tcp/udp |
remote-kis |
Remote-KIS |
3000 |
tcp/udp |
remoteware-cl |
RemoteWare Client |
3002 |
tcp/udp |
remoteware-srv |
RemoteWare Server |
2999 |
tcp/udp |
remoteware-un |
RemoteWare Unassigned |
1745 |
tcp/udp |
remote-winsock |
remote-winsock |
3019 |
tcp/udp |
resource_mgr |
Resource Manager |
4672 |
tcp/udp |
rfa |
remote file access server |
5002 |
tcp/udp |
rfe |
radio free ethernet |
750 |
tcp |
rfile |
3147 |
tcp/udp |
rfio |
1497 |
tcp/udp |
rfx-lm |
rfx-lm |
1431 |
tcp/udp |
rgtp |
Reverse Gossip Transport |
3296 |
tcp/udp |
rib-slm |
Rib License Manager |
1522 |
tcp/udp |
ricardo-lm |
Ricardo North America License Manager |
6148 |
tcp/udp |
ricardo-lm |
Ricardo North America License Manager |
1354 |
tcp/udp |
rightbrain |
RightBrain Software |
2044 |
tcp/udp |
rimsl |
521 |
tcp/udp |
ripng |
ripng |
180 |
tcp/udp |
ris |
Intergraph |
748 |
tcp/udp |
ris-cm |
Russell Info Sci Calendar Manager |
5 |
tcp/udp |
rje |
Remote Job Entry |
39 |
tcp/udp |
rlp |
Resource Location Protocol |
635 |
tcp/udp |
rlzdbase |
RLZ DBase |
560 |
tcp/udp |
rmonitor |
rmonitord |
5145 |
tcp/udp |
rmonitor_secure |
411 |
tcp/udp |
rmt |
Remote MT Protocol |
1509 |
tcp/udp |
robcad-lm |
Robcad, Ltd. License Manager |
44818 |
tcp/udp |
rockwell-encap |
Rockwell Encapsulation |
1730 |
tcp/udp |
roketz |
roketz |
520 |
udp |
router |
local routing process (on site); |
774 |
tcp |
rpasswd |
5678 |
tcp/udp |
rrac |
Remote Replication Agent Connection |
753 |
tcp/udp |
rrh |
1696 |
tcp/udp |
rrifmm |
rrifmm |
1695 |
tcp/udp |
rrilwm |
rrilwm |
1694 |
tcp/udp |
rrimwm |
rrimwm |
1693 |
tcp/udp |
rrirtr |
rrirtr |
1697 |
tcp/udp |
rrisat |
rrisat |
1647 |
tcp/udp |
rsap |
rsap |
1793 |
tcp/udp |
rsc-robot |
rsc-robot |
222 |
tcp/udp |
rsh-spx |
Berkeley rshd with SPX auth |
2390 |
tcp/udp |
rsmtp |
168 |
tcp/udp |
rsvd |
363 |
tcp/udp |
rsvp_tunnel |
RSVP Tunnel |
1698 |
tcp/udp |
rsvp-encap-1 |
1699 |
tcp/udp |
rsvp-encap-2 |
873 |
tcp/udp |
rsync |
rsync |
107 |
tcp/udp |
rtelnet |
Remote Telnet Service |
771 |
tcp/udp |
rtip |
2501 |
tcp/udp |
rtsclient |
Resource Tracking system client |
554 |
tcp/udp |
rtsp |
Real Time Stream Control Protocol |
8554 |
tcp/udp |
rtsp-alt |
RTSP Alternate (see port 554) |
2500 |
tcp/udp |
rtsserv |
Resource Tracking system server |
4321 |
tcp/udp |
rwhois |
Remote Who Is |
761 |
tcp/udp |
rxe |
8401 |
tcp/udp |
sabarsd |
sabarsd |
4500 |
tcp/udp |
sae-urn |
sae-urn |
487 |
tcp/udp |
saft |
saft Simple Asynchronous File Transfer |
3291 |
tcp/udp |
sah-lm |
S A Holditch & Associates - LM |
2640 |
tcp/udp |
sai_sentlm |
Sabbagh Associates Licence Manager |
1426 |
tcp/udp |
sais |
Satellite-data Acquisition System 1 |
1501 |
tcp/udp |
saiscm |
Satellite-data Acquisition System 3 |
1644 |
tcp |
saiseh |
Satellite-data Acquisition System 4 |
1436 |
tcp/udp |
saism |
Satellite-data Acquisition System 2 |
5409 |
tcp/udp |
salient-dtasrv |
Salient Data Server |
5410 |
tcp/udp |
salient-usrmgr |
Salient User Manager |
3275 |
tcp/udp |
samd |
1646 |
tcp/udp |
sa-msg-port |
sa-msg-port |
4010 |
tcp/udp |
samsung-unidex |
Samsung Unidex |
3367-3371 |
tcp/udp |
satvid-datalnk |
Satellite Video Data Link |
3391 |
tcp/udp |
savant |
1349 |
tcp/udp |
sbook |
Registration Network Protocol |
582 |
tcp/udp |
scc-security |
SCC Security |
1811 |
tcp/udp |
scientia-sdb |
Scientia-SDB |
5307 |
tcp/udp |
sco-aip |
617 |
tcp/udp |
sco-dtmgr |
SCO Desktop Administration Server |
457 |
tcp/udp |
scohelp |
scohelp |
360 |
tcp/udp |
scoi2odialog |
scoi2odialog |
615 |
tcp/udp |
sco-inetmgr |
Internet Configuration Manager |
2034 |
tcp/udp |
scoremgr |
616 |
tcp/udp |
sco-sysmgr |
SCO System Administration Server |
598 |
tcp/udp |
sco-websrvrmg3 |
SCO Web Server Manager 3 |
620 |
tcp/udp |
sco-websrvrmgr |
SCO WebServer Manager |
2026 |
tcp/udp |
scrabble |
1368 |
tcp/udp |
screencast |
ScreenCast |
9006 |
tcp/udp |
sctp |
470 |
tcp/udp |
scx-proxy |
scx-proxy |
9876 |
tcp/udp |
sd |
Session Director |
2310 |
tcp/udp |
sdclient |
SD Client |
1681 |
tcp/udp |
sd-elmd |
sd-elmd |
2046 |
tcp/udp |
sdfunc |
2308 |
tcp/udp |
sdhelp |
sdhelp |
558 |
tcp/udp |
sdnskmp |
1537 |
tcp/udp |
sdsc-lm |
isi-lm |
2309 |
tcp/udp |
sdserver |
SD Server |
3319 |
tcp/udp |
sdt-lmd |
SDT License Manager |
2010 |
tcp |
search |
1234 |
tcp/udp |
search-agent |
Infoseek Search Agent |
3143 |
tcp/udp |
seaview |
Sea View |
361 |
tcp/udp |
semantix |
Semantix |
169 |
tcp/udp |
send |
2316 |
tcp/udp |
sent-lm |
SENT License Manager |
2235 |
tcp/udp |
sercomm-wlink |
Sercomm-WLink |
2021 |
tcp |
servexec |
2011 |
udp |
servserv |
633 |
tcp/udp |
servstat |
Service Status update (Sterling Software) |
1714 |
tcp/udp |
sesi-lm |
sesi-lm |
257 |
tcp/udp |
set |
Secure Electronic Transaction |
4546 |
tcp/udp |
sf-lm |
SF License Manager (Sentinel) |
452 |
tcp/udp |
sfs-config |
Cray SFS config server |
451 |
tcp/udp |
sfs-smp-net |
Cray Network Semaphore server |
115 |
tcp/udp |
sftp |
Simple File Transfer Protocol |
3326 |
tcp/udp |
sftu |
440 |
tcp/udp |
sgcp |
sgcp |
1659 |
tcp/udp |
sg-lm |
Silicon Grail License Manager |
153 |
tcp/udp |
sgmp |
160 |
tcp/udp |
sgmp-traps |
2027 |
tcp/udp |
shadowserver |
514 |
tcp |
shell |
cmd |
2049 |
udp |
shilp |
1651 |
tcp/udp |
shiva_confsrvr |
shiva_confsrvr |
1502 |
tcp/udp |
shivadiscovery |
Shiva |
1549 |
tcp |
shivahose |
Shiva Hose |
1549 |
udp |
shivasound |
Shiva Sound |
358 |
tcp/udp |
shrinkwrap |
Shrinkwrap |
498 |
tcp/udp |
siam |
siam |
2320 |
tcp/udp |
siebel-ns |
Siebel NS |
608 |
tcp/udp |
sift-uft |
Sender-Initiated/Unsolicited File Transfer |
2974 |
tcp/udp |
signal |
Signal |
1733 |
tcp/udp |
siipat |
SIMS - SIIPAT Protocol for Alarm Transmission |
416 |
tcp/udp |
silverplatter |
Silverplatter |
1543 |
tcp/udp |
simba-cs |
simba-cs |
1583 |
tcp/udp |
simbaexpress |
simbaexpress |
1599 |
tcp/udp |
simbaservices |
simbaservices |
5060 |
tcp/udp |
sip |
2631 |
tcp/udp |
sitaradir |
Sitara Dir |
2630 |
tcp/udp |
sitaramgmt |
Sitara Management |
2629 |
tcp/udp |
sitaraserver |
Sitara Server |
1658 |
tcp/udp |
sixnetudr |
sixnetudr |
1594 |
tcp/udp |
sixtrak |
sixtrak |
6455 |
tcp |
skip-cert-recv |
SKIP Certificate Receive |
6456 |
tcp |
skip-cert-send |
SKIP Certificate Send |
1660 |
tcp/udp |
skip-mc-gikreq |
skip-mc-gikreq |
460 |
tcp/udp |
skronk |
skronk |
1618 |
tcp/udp |
skytelnet |
skytelnet |
1705 |
tcp/udp |
slingshot |
slingshot |
1606 |
tcp/udp |
slm-api |
Salutation Manager (SLM-API) |
1605 |
tcp/udp |
slp |
Salutation Manager (Salutation Protocol) |
122 |
tcp/udp |
smakynet |
1608 |
tcp/udp |
smart-lm |
Smart Corp. License Manager |
426 |
tcp/udp |
smartsdp |
smartsdp |
164 |
udp |
smip-agent |
CMIP/TCP Agent |
420 |
tcp/udp |
smpte |
596 |
tcp/udp |
smsd |
413 |
tcp/udp |
smsp |
25 |
tcp/udp |
smtp |
Simple Mail Transfer |
465 |
tcp/udp |
smtps |
smtp protocol over TLS/SSL (was ssmtp) |
199 |
tcp/udp |
smux |
1553 |
tcp/udp |
sna-cs |
sna-cs |
108 |
tcp/udp |
snagas |
SNA Gateway Access Server |
2333 |
tcp/udp |
snapp |
509 |
tcp/udp |
snare |
snare |
1684 |
tcp/udp |
snaresecure |
SnareSecure |
166 |
tcp/udp |
s-net |
Sirius Systems |
161 |
tcp/udp |
snmp |
1993 |
tcp/udp |
snmp-tcp-port |
cisco SNMP TCP port |
162 |
tcp/udp |
snmptrap |
444 |
tcp/udp |
snpp |
Simple Network Paging Protocol |
2658 |
tcp/udp |
sns-admin |
SNS Admin |
5417 |
tcp/udp |
sns-agent |
SNS Agent |
3380 |
tcp/udp |
sns-channels |
SNS Channels |
2657 |
tcp/udp |
sns-dispatcher |
SNS Dispatcher |
5416 |
tcp/udp |
sns-gateway |
SNS Gateway |
2409 |
tcp/udp |
sns-protocol |
SNS Protocol |
2659 |
tcp/udp |
sns-query |
SNS Query |
580 |
tcp/udp |
sntp-heartbeat |
1080 |
tcp/udp |
socks |
Socks |
3379 |
tcp/udp |
socorfs |
6110 |
tcp/udp |
softcm |
HP SoftBench CM |
1621 |
tcp/udp |
softdataphone |
softdataphone |
215 |
tcp/udp |
softpc |
Insignia Solutions |
2636 |
tcp/udp |
solve |
Solve |
572 |
tcp/udp |
sonar |
sonar |
2653 |
tcp/udp |
sonus |
Sonus |
5767 |
tcp/udp |
s-openmail |
OpenMail Suer Agent Layer (Secure) |
1408 |
tcp/udp |
sophia-lm |
Sophia License Manager |
6111 |
tcp/udp |
spc |
HP SoftBench Sub-Process Control |
478 |
tcp/udp |
spsc |
spsc |
1759 |
tcp/udp |
spss-lm |
SPSS License Manager |
66 |
tcp/udp |
sql*net |
Oracle SQL*NET |
150 |
tcp/udp |
sql-net |
118 |
tcp/udp |
sqlserv |
SQL Services |
156 |
tcp/udp |
sqlsrv |
SQL Service |
200 |
tcp/udp |
src |
IBM System Resource Controller |
193 |
tcp/udp |
srmp |
Spider Remote Monitoring Protocol |
362 |
tcp/udp |
srssend |
SRS Send |
3018 |
tcp/udp |
srvc_registry |
Service Registry |
477 |
tcp/udp |
ss7ns |
ss7ns |
22 |
tcp/udp |
ssh |
SSH Remote Login Protocol |
614 |
tcp/udp |
sshell |
SSLshell |
1750 |
tcp/udp |
sslp |
Simple Socket Library's PortMaster |
3352 |
tcp/udp |
ssql |
3318 |
tcp/udp |
ssrip |
Swith to Swith Routing Information Protocol |
1692 |
tcp/udp |
sstsys-lm |
sstsys-lm |
1654 |
tcp/udp |
stargatealerts |
stargatealerts |
6144 |
tcp/udp |
statsci1-lm |
StatSci License Manager - 1 |
6145 |
tcp/udp |
statsci2-lm |
StatSci License Manager - 2 |
133 |
tcp/udp |
statsrv |
Statistics Service |
5414 |
tcp/udp |
statusd |
StatusD |
3080 |
tcp/udp |
stm_pproc |
stm_pproc |
501 |
tcp/udp |
stmf |
1492 |
tcp/udp |
stone-design-1 |
stone-design-1 |
1736 |
tcp/udp |
street-stream |
street-stream |
566 |
tcp/udp |
streettalk |
streettalk |
1607 |
tcp/udp |
stt |
stt |
1990 |
tcp/udp |
stun-p1 |
cisco STUN Priority 1 port |
1991 |
tcp/udp |
stun-p2 |
cisco STUN Priority 2 port |
1992 |
udp |
stun-p3 |
cisco STUN Priority 3 port |
1994 |
tcp/udp |
stun-port |
cisco serial tunnel port |
527 |
tcp/udp |
stx |
Stock IXChange |
587 |
tcp/udp |
submission |
Submission |
773 |
tcp |
submit |
2028 |
tcp/udp |
submitserver |
247 |
tcp/udp |
subntbcst_tftp |
1905 |
tcp/udp |
sugp |
Secure UP.Link Gateway Protocol |
3354 |
tcp/udp |
suitjd |
89 |
tcp/udp |
su-mit-tg |
SU/MIT Telnet Gateway |
5306 |
tcp/udp |
sun-mc-grp |
Sun MC Group |
111 |
tcp/udp |
sunrpc |
SUN Remote Procedure Call |
1870 |
tcp/udp |
sunscalar-dns |
SunSCALAR DNS Service |
1860 |
tcp/udp |
sunscalar-svc |
SunSCALAR Services |
95 |
tcp/udp |
supdup |
1010 |
tcp/udp |
surf |
surf |
243 |
tcp/udp |
sur-meas |
Survey Measurement |
2973 |
tcp/udp |
svnetworks |
SV Networks |
427 |
tcp/udp |
svrloc |
Server Location |
1625 |
tcp/udp |
svs-omagent |
svs-omagent |
1751 |
tcp/udp |
swiftnet |
SwiftNet |
97 |
tcp/udp |
swift-rvf |
Swift Remote Virtural File Protocol |
3273 |
tcp/udp |
sxmp |
Simple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol |
2638 |
tcp/udp |
sybaseanywhere |
Sybase Anywhere |
1498 |
tcp/udp |
sybase-sqlany |
Sybase SQL Any |
1507 |
tcp/udp |
symplex |
symplex |
2647 |
tcp/udp |
syncserver |
SyncServer |
412 |
tcp/udp |
synoptics-trap |
Trap Convention Port |
392 |
tcp/udp |
synotics-broker |
SynOptics Port Broker Port |
391 |
tcp/udp |
synotics-relay |
SynOptics SNMP Relay Port |
514 |
udp |
syslog |
3281 |
tcp/udp |
sysopt |
11 |
tcp/udp |
systat |
Active Users |
5406 |
tcp/udp |
systemics-sox |
Systemics Sox |
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