Home > Windows にまつわる e.t.c.> TCP/IPポート番号一覧
ポート番号 |
tcp/udp |
サービス |
説明 |
1030 |
tcp/udp |
iad1 |
1031 |
tcp/udp |
iad2 |
1032 |
tcp/udp |
iad3 |
480 |
tcp/udp |
iafdbase |
iafdbase |
479 |
tcp/udp |
iafserver |
iafserver |
2313 |
tcp/udp |
iapp |
IAPP (Inter Access Point Protocol) |
432 |
tcp/udp |
iasd |
1726 |
tcp/udp |
iberiagames |
1461 |
tcp/udp |
ibm_wrless_lan |
IBM Wireless LAN |
1586 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-abtact |
ibm-abtact |
385 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-app |
IBM Application |
1435 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-cics |
523 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-db2 |
3267 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-dial-out |
IBM Dial Out |
1792 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-dt-2 |
ibm-dt-2 |
1414 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-mqseries |
IBM MQSeries |
1881 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-mqseries2 |
IBM MQSeries |
1376 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-pps |
IBM Person to Person Software |
1405 |
tcp/udp |
ibm-res |
IBM Remote Execution Starter |
1494 |
tcp/udp |
ica |
ica |
1604 |
tcp/udp |
icabrowser |
icabrowser |
425 |
tcp/udp |
icad-el |
887 |
tcp/udp |
iclcnet_svinfo |
ICL coNETion server info |
886 |
tcp/udp |
iclcnet-locate |
ICL coNETion locate server |
1389 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-dm |
Document Manager |
1394 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-nlc |
Network Log Client |
1393 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-nls |
Network Log Server |
1392 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-pm |
Print Manager |
1391 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-sas |
Storage Access Server |
1390 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-sc |
Storage Controller |
1395 |
tcp/udp |
iclpv-wsm |
PC Workstation Manager software |
25000 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase1 |
icl-twobase1 |
25009 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase10 |
icl-twobase10 |
25001 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase2 |
icl-twobase2 |
25002 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase3 |
icl-twobase3 |
25003 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase4 |
icl-twobase4 |
25004 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase5 |
icl-twobase5 |
25005 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase6 |
icl-twobase6 |
25006 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase7 |
icl-twobase7 |
25007 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase8 |
icl-twobase8 |
25008 |
tcp/udp |
icl-twobase9 |
icl-twobase9 |
3130 |
tcp/udp |
icpv2 |
ICPv2 |
5741 |
tcp/udp |
ida-discover1 |
IDA Discover Port 1 |
5742 |
tcp/udp |
ida-discover2 |
IDA Discover Port 2 |
2326 |
tcp/udp |
idcp |
2337 |
tcp/udp |
ideesrv |
ideesrv |
1725 |
tcp/udp |
iden-ralp |
iden-ralp |
113 |
tcp |
ident |
549 |
tcp/udp |
idfp |
2404 |
tcp/udp |
iec870-5-104 |
IEC870-5-104 |
1443 |
tcp/udp |
ies-lm |
Integrated Engineering Software |
1515 |
tcp/udp |
ifor-protocol |
ifor-protocol |
1404 |
tcp/udp |
igi-lm |
Infinite Graphics License Manager |
3006 |
tcp/udp |
ii-admin |
Instant Internet Admin |
535 |
tcp/udp |
iiop |
iiop |
1611 |
tcp/udp |
ill |
Inter Library Loan |
2239 |
tcp/udp |
imagequery |
Image Query |
143 |
tcp/udp |
imap |
Internet Message Access Protocol |
220 |
tcp/udp |
imap3 |
Interactive Mail Access Protocol v3 |
585 |
tcp/udp |
imap4-ssl |
IMAP4+SSL (use 993 instead) |
993 |
tcp/udp |
imaps |
imap4 protocol over TLS/SSL |
2637 |
tcp/udp |
imdocsvc |
Import Document Service |
1710 |
tcp/udp |
impera |
impera |
2035 |
tcp/udp |
imsldoc |
406 |
tcp/udp |
imsp |
Interactive Mail Support Protocol |
2202 |
tcp/udp |
imtc-map |
Int. Multimedia Teleconferencing Cosortium |
1503 |
tcp/udp |
imtc-mcs |
Databeam |
3345 |
tcp/udp |
influence |
Influence |
2233 |
tcp/udp |
infocrypt |
2319 |
tcp/udp |
infolibria |
InfoLibria |
1451 |
tcp/udp |
infoman |
IBM Information Management |
1428 |
tcp/udp |
informatik-lm |
Informatik License Manager |
414 |
tcp/udp |
infoseek |
InfoSeek |
1524 |
tcp/udp |
ingreslock |
ingres |
134 |
tcp/udp |
ingres-net |
INGRES-NET Service |
1412 |
tcp/udp |
innosys |
InnoSys |
1413 |
tcp/udp |
innosys-acl |
Innosys-ACL |
2223 |
tcp/udp |
inreg-ab3 |
Allen-Bradley unregistered port |
1490 |
tcp/udp |
insitu-conf |
insitu-conf |
1602 |
tcp/udp |
inspect |
inspect |
1649 |
tcp/udp |
inspect |
inspect |
1068 |
tcp/udp |
instl_bootc |
Installation Bootstrap Proto. Cli. |
1067 |
tcp/udp |
instl_boots |
Installation Bootstrap Proto. Serv. |
495 |
tcp/udp |
intecourier |
intecourier |
3459 |
tcp/udp |
integral |
Integral |
484 |
tcp/udp |
integra-sme |
Integra Software Management Environment |
1539 |
tcp/udp |
intellistor-lm |
Intellistor License Manager |
2041 |
tcp/udp |
interbase |
1454 |
tcp/udp |
interhdl_elmd |
interHDL License Manager |
2633 |
tcp/udp |
interintelli |
InterIntelli |
2414 |
tcp/udp |
interlingua |
Interlingua |
2652 |
tcp/udp |
interpathpanel |
InterPathPanel |
1907 |
tcp/udp |
intrastar |
IntraSTAR |
503 |
tcp/udp |
intrinsa |
Intrinsa |
1355 |
tcp/udp |
intuitive-edge |
Intuitive Edge |
1585 |
tcp/udp |
intv |
intv |
1641 |
tcp/udp |
invision |
InVision |
2006 |
tcp |
invokator |
1579 |
tcp/udp |
ioc-sea-lm |
ioc-sea-lm |
576 |
tcp/udp |
ipcd |
ipcd |
600 |
tcp/udp |
ipcserver |
Sun IPC server |
578 |
tcp/udp |
ipdd |
ipdd |
1992 |
tcp/udp |
ipsendmsg |
IPsendmsg |
213 |
tcp/udp |
ipx |
2527 |
tcp/udp |
iqserver |
IQ Server |
194 |
tcp/udp |
irc |
Internet Relay Chat Protocol |
994 |
tcp/udp |
ircs |
irc protocol over TLS/SSL |
529 |
tcp/udp |
irc-serv |
6665-6669 |
tcp/udp |
ircu |
2632 |
tcp/udp |
irdg-post |
IRdg Post |
8000 |
tcp/udp |
irdmi |
7999 |
tcp/udp |
irdmi2 |
iRDMI2 |
379 |
tcp/udp |
is99c |
TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem client |
380 |
tcp/udp |
is99s |
TIA/EIA/IS-99 modem server |
500 |
tcp/udp |
isakmp |
isakmp |
55 |
tcp/udp |
isi-gl |
ISI Graphics Language |
2042 |
tcp/udp |
isis |
isis |
1642 |
tcp/udp |
isis-am |
isis-am |
1643 |
tcp/udp |
isis-ambc |
isis-ambc |
2043 |
tcp/udp |
isis-bcast |
isis-bcast |
1949 |
tcp/udp |
ismaeasdaqlive |
ISMA Easdaq Live |
1950 |
tcp/udp |
ismaeasdaqtest |
ISMA Easdaq Test |
17007 |
tcp |
isode-dua |
isode-dua |
499 |
tcp/udp |
iso-ill |
ISO ILL Protocol |
147 |
tcp/udp |
iso-ip |
146 |
tcp/udp |
iso-tp0 |
102 |
tcp/udp |
iso-tsap |
ISO-TSAP Class 0 |
399 |
tcp/udp |
iso-tsap-c2 |
ISO Transport Class 2 Non-Control over TCP |
1600 |
tcp/udp |
issd |
1609 |
tcp/udp |
isysg-lm |
isysg-lm |
5051 |
tcp/udp |
ita-agent |
ITA Agent |
5052 |
tcp/udp |
ita-manager |
ITA Manager |
2531 |
tcp/udp |
ito-e-gui |
4348 |
tcp/udp |
itose |
1573 |
tcp/udp |
itscomm-ns |
itscomm-ns |
2241 |
tcp/udp |
ivsd |
IVS Daemon |
2232 |
tcp/udp |
ivs-video |
IVS Video default |
13160 |
tcp/udp |
i-zipqd |
1578 |
tcp/udp |
jacobus-lm |
Jacobus License Manager |
1623 |
tcp/udp |
jaleosnd |
jaleosnd |
148 |
tcp/udp |
jargon |
Jargon |
19541 |
tcp/udp |
jcp |
JCP Client |
2406 |
tcp/udp |
jediserver |
JediServer |
1810 |
tcp/udp |
jerand-lm |
Jerand License Manager |
1706 |
tcp/udp |
jetform |
jetform |
1567 |
tcp/udp |
jlicelmd |
jlicelmd |
5309 |
tcp/udp |
jprinter |
J Printer |
2213 |
tcp/udp |
kali |
Kali |
2656 |
tcp/udp |
kana |
Kana |
2918 |
tcp/udp |
kastenchasepad |
Kasten Chase Pad |
88 |
tcp/udp |
kerberos |
Kerberos |
749 |
tcp/udp |
kerberos-adm |
kerberos administration |
750 |
udp |
kerberos-iv |
kerberos version iv |
584 |
tcp/udp |
keyserver |
Key Server |
186 |
tcp/udp |
kis |
KIS Protocol |
543 |
tcp/udp |
klogin |
1773 |
tcp/udp |
kmscontrol |
KMSControl |
157 |
tcp/udp |
knet-cmp |
KNET/VM Command/Message Protocol |
464 |
tcp/udp |
kpasswd |
kpasswd |
4444 |
udp |
krb524 |
KRB524 |
398 |
tcp/udp |
kryptolan |
Kryptolan |
544 |
tcp/udp |
kshell |
krcmd |
3361 |
tcp/udp |
kv-agent |
KV Agent |
3360 |
tcp/udp |
kv-server |
KV Server |
1701 |
udp |
l2f |
l2f |
1701 |
tcp/udp |
l2tp |
l2tp |
2040 |
tcp/udp |
lam |
51 |
tcp/udp |
la-maint |
IMP Logical Address Maintenance |
2395 |
tcp/udp |
lan900_remote |
LAN900 Remote |
4547 |
tcp/udp |
lanner-lm |
Lanner License Manager |
637 |
tcp/udp |
lanserver |
lanserver |
1485 |
tcp/udp |
lansource |
LANSource |
4347 |
tcp/udp |
lansurveyor |
LAN Surveyor |
1682 |
tcp/udp |
lanyon-lantern |
lanyon-lantern |
1547 |
tcp/udp |
laplink |
laplink |
3373 |
tcp/udp |
lavenir-lm |
Lavenir License Manager |
7099 |
tcp/udp |
lazy-ptop |
lazy-ptop |
389 |
tcp/udp |
ldap |
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
636 |
tcp/udp |
ldaps |
ldap protocol over TLS/SSL (was sldap) |
1861 |
tcp/udp |
lecroy-vicp |
LeCroy VICP |
373 |
tcp/udp |
legent-1 |
Legent Corporation |
374 |
tcp/udp |
legent-2 |
Legent Corporation |
1496 |
tcp/udp |
liberty-lm |
liberty-lm |
1986 |
tcp/udp |
licensedaemon |
cisco license management |
245 |
tcp/udp |
link |
1903 |
tcp/udp |
linkname |
Local Link Name Resolution |
1361 |
tcp/udp |
linx |
LinX |
1555 |
tcp/udp |
livelan |
livelan |
472 |
tcp/udp |
ljk-login |
ljk-login |
3278 |
tcp/udp |
lkcmserver |
LKCM Server |
1111 |
tcp/udp |
lmsocialserver |
LM Social Server |
2282 |
tcp/udp |
lnvalarm |
2281 |
tcp/udp |
lnvconsole |
2285 |
tcp/udp |
lnvmailmon |
2284 |
tcp/udp |
lnvmaps |
2280 |
tcp/udp |
lnvpoller |
2283 |
tcp/udp |
lnvstatus |
750 |
udp |
loadav |
1487 |
tcp/udp |
localinfosrvr |
LocalInfoSrvr |
127 |
tcp/udp |
locus-con |
Locus PC-Interface Conn Server |
125 |
tcp/udp |
locus-map |
Locus PC-Interface Net Map Ser |
1752 |
tcp/udp |
lofr-lm |
Leap of Faith Research License Manager |
513 |
tcp |
login |
remote login a la telnet; |
6146 |
tcp/udp |
lonewolf-lm |
Lone Wolf Systems License Manager |
3007 |
tcp/udp |
lotusmtap |
Lotus Mail Tracking Agent Protocol |
1352 |
tcp/udp |
lotusnote |
Lotus Note |
2090 |
tcp/udp |
lrp |
Load Report Protocol |
1212 |
tcp/udp |
lupa |
lupa |
6471 |
tcp/udp |
lvision-lm |
LVision License Manager |
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